Sound healing sessions

For the majority of the session, you will be lying down on your back with your eyes closed. We provide pillows and mats for added comfort.

PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Tanya Gilbert also Does private events including retreats, parties, and weddings upon request.

Please click the link below to read the benefits of sound healing and how it can benefit your mind, body and spirit before booking a session.



Duration: 2.5 hours


- Intake Questionnaire
- Pre-Session Call (15-20min)
- Sound Healing Session (2.5 hours)
- Follow-Up Call (30min)

Session for 1

This is a uniquely customized session just for you, that meets you exactly where you are.

Your personalized Sacred Sound session will include a fully customized Sacred Sound Bath with the possibility of additional sound therapy treatments, according to your needs and in alignment with your intentions. For example, Singing Bowl Therapies or Tuning Fork applications can be incorporated on or around the body using selected specific frequencies.

We can clear blocks, limiting beliefs, and energies that stand in the way of your personal goals, dreams, and aspirations. At the end of your session, we will take the time to share your experience and any information that I have received for you or encountered, as well as answer questions you may have over tea and a lite snack.

A session for One (2.5 hours): This currently session takes place at your location or I can host for a fee.
Each Sound Healing Experience includes the following:
- Intake Questionnaire: this short form is to be completed upon booking. Your information is kept confidential and provides important information such as your intentions/reasons for wanting a session, any health concerns/physical restrictions, or allergies. It helps me prepare your session even before our actual time together.
- Pre-Session Call: prior to your session, a short 15-20 minute call will be scheduled to introduce ourselves and establish a connection. After our call, you may notice that things have already started shifting toward the direction of your goals, even before your actual session. I will meditate and tune in to the highest most benevolent energies in support of you, even before we meet in person.
- Sound Healing Session: 2.5 or 1.5 hours depending on the session you book (see below)
- Post-Session Call: during the few days following your session, I will check in with you to see how you’re doing during the initial integration process. A 30-minute follow-up call will be scheduled to provide any additional support and guidance that you may need.


session for 2 or more

Bring your spouse, significant other, relative, or dear friend.

This sound bath is intended to clear blocks, patterns, imprints individually and/or within the relationship, or anything you’d like the session to address. Instruments used in the session are selected in support of your intentions and the energies encountered in the session.
The focus of the session will be discussed at the beginning and integrated into the collective intention setting. There will be time for discussion at the beginning and end.

The approach to this session is similar to a Session For One, minus the possibility to apply extensive treatments and techniques to each person. However, this session has the added benefits of a shared experience with exclusivity in focus, privacy, and intimacy. Attending a Session For Two or more also has the power to amplify healing effects and can potentially trigger energetic shifts/releases in one another due to Quantum entanglement and mutual (sympathetic) resonance.

Duration: 2.5 hours


- Intake Questionnaire
- Pre-Session Call (15-20min)
- Sound Healing Session (2.5 hours)
- Follow-Up Call (30min)