Sound healing is one of the oldest forms of  alternative medicine used by various cultures. Music has been used throughout history to create positive effects on our mood as a form of therapy to heal the body , mind, and spirit.

Specific instruments are used for different music, tones and other vibrations to balances and heal the body, mind and spirit. Using these specialized frequencies can create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing and emotional release during these sessions a hypnotic, meditative or theta brain state is created which allows access too deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.

In the past different culture shave used music and singing to heal the body and spirit. Ancient Egyptians, believed musical incantations to be an effective way to treat illness. Whereas Native American tribes believed that certain  sounds had healing powers. The old African world thrived on the physical and intangible.

In modern times with all of the holistic ways to heal sound healing is becoming a more popular practice. The tradition recognizes when the environment is sick and is able bring balance via the chakra system. The goal is to restore the psychic health of the sufferer as well as the community.